My sheep hear my voice.
Don't be led astray. You don't have to be a priest, or professor to understand God's will for your life through reading his word and prayer. He will lead you beside still waters.
There are differences among us.
We have differences, and some things are black and white, right or wrong. Hot or cold, but the blood of Jesus washes us white as snow.
Men lead us not only in strength, but wisdom. The stereotypical male is not what you will find here. Men are honored, and appreciated.
Thinking of "brute strength" tends to lead one into thinking of the hulk or Robocop, but we have servicemen, police, rescue, and everyday fathers that contribute to reflecting the strength of the Father to the world. Thank you for wearing boots. Ladies, I suggest imagining a bride wearing boots. God has called you to be warriors and he is not ashamed if you would rather sport boots than slippers.
Not Ashamed
You are free to be who you are here. No stereotype exist with God. Get out of the man made box. Single? Don't be ashamed. Childless? Don't think you are less of a woman, or less righteous. Divorced? You will be encouraged. Married with children? Don't be ashamed. If you love being "mommy" and don't desire another title, you will not be accused of mediocrity. You are cherished and important. Dresses and lace, boots and blue jeans all make up this beautiful world we are in.